Couple Therapy


Does your car get more attention than your sweetie?

Regular maintenance keeps life running smoothly

Is your relationship secure?

Does it meet both your needs?

Do you know—really know— each other?

Are you talking about things that matter?

Or are you roommates that have grown complacent and don't want to rock the boat?


Relationships have a life of their own. They are full of excitement and promise when they start. There is so much to tell each other, so much to know. But then, as time goes on, once you get to know each other and some kind of commitment is made, the thrill can start to fade, even tarnish a bit, especially if you're wrapped up with rearing children. It’s easy to fall into a mindless routine, take the other for granted, and feel taken advantage of. 

Whether it be problems in communication, an affair, sensing something’s not right, or blow-up fights that shake you to the core, it might be time to do something about your relationship before negative feelings fester into resentments.


You owe it to yourself. 


Don't you owe it to the relationship?


What do you have to lose? 

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If you do nothing, you could possibly lose everything you have—the relationship, your life as you know it, even your sense of self. Before it gets to that point, call Dr. Lazur at 562-1933 for an appointment. Come with your partner and let’s have a good look at what you're both doing. 

  • Identify problems areas

  • Pinpoint where communication breaks down

  • Re-establish the meaning of being together

  • Work toward mutual goals

It may not be easy. There are no guarantees, but at least you're doing something, trying to make the relationship different, better, make the life you want to live.

Let’s give this relationship the value it deserves in your life


My approach

As your couple’s therapist, the focus is on the relationship: how the both of you make it work, what happens when there are breakdowns, and how to repair any damage that might occur. This is about you, you both being able to talk to and hear each other, take care of each other, feel cared for, and achieve the kind of life you both want. Where there are problems, we investigate their impact on the relationship and find ways to deal with them. When there are differences, as there are in healthy relationships, we look at how best to accommodate disparity and determine the maximum role for diversity in your coupleship. 

Relationships are complex. They require time. The depth and emotional intensity of couple work requires more than a single 45 minute session which is why I double the session time and work with you for an hour-and-a-half.  Not all insurance plans cover that duration so you might want to check with them to see what they will cover. Knowing that cost is always a factor, we can adjust the frequency of sessions so the expenditure is bearable. The time and investment you put in each other and the relationship is something you get to decide. 

“Emotional contact is what people most deeply yearn for and what fundamentally gives meaning to a person’s life.”

—W. Ronald D. Fairbairn